众所周知,留学生有三个逃不过的坎:essay, exam, presentation, 并且有不少留学生表示,presentation是最让他们头疼的一个。那么如何完成一次条理清晰的presentation呢?首先我们要明白presentation的基本框架,大体可以分为以下几个部分:Introduction、Main body、Conclusion。接下来我们分别从以上三个环节一一为大家讲解:1)、开始presentation之前,首先要跟台下观众打招呼,大家可以用以下几句presentation开场白:Good morning everybody. It is my honor to speak here, and I am very glad to share my topic with you.Hello everyone, I am glad you could all get here.2)、接下来就是一个简短的自我介绍:Before we begin, let me introduce myself briefly.3)、介绍今天的主题:Today, I am going to talk about/discuss xx...4)、告诉大家你演讲的目的:The aim of this presentation is ...5)、简单梳理今天演讲的大体框架,帮助大家理清思路,更好地理解你的内容:Then I will continue to explore/focus on ...进行完前面的步骤,就可以开始你的内容了。6)、在演讲的时候,可以适当的跟台下观众互动,尤其是在最后的Q&A环节:Thank you for your listening, I would be glad to answer any questions you might have.7)、presentation 各部分之间要准备一些过渡词,不然会很尴尬:I would now like to move on to ...I would like to turn to ...引导观众看PPT:As you can see ...8)、最后,给自己的presentation来个华丽的结尾吧!I hope that my presentation will help you with what I said at the beginning.